The Zionist Conspiracy

A clandestine undertaking on behalf of Israel, the Jets and the Jews.

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Monday, June 02, 2003
Bush's Ignorance

While I don't agree with it politically, Haaretz's reports are usually accurate. Therefore, an article in Tuesday's paper indicating that President Bush is extraordinarily ignorant about Israel and the Palestinians is quite disturbing.

The article claims that at a meeting Bush "gave his advisers the impression that he thought (PA Prime Minister Mahmoud) Abbas was a young, energetic revolutionary. One of the State Department officials had to explain with a smile, Mr. President, he's a 68-year-old man and has been working with Arafat his entire life." The piece also states that "a person who knows the president's position said this week that he's a bit 'naive' about the settlements. It's clear to him that they will be taken down, 'but he doesn't fully understand why such a big deal has to be made about them now.'"

If Bush is really this ignorant about Israel, then the road map is even more dangerous than previously thought. How can Israel risk its future by trusting a person who lacks basic knowledge of its issues?