The Zionist Conspiracy

A clandestine undertaking on behalf of Israel, the Jets and the Jews.

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Tuesday, July 01, 2003
Israel's PR

The editorial in today's Beirut Daily Star calls on Arabs to emulate Israel's purportedly "flawless" PR strategy.

The editorial states: "How can one not be impressed by the success with which a tiny nation like Israel navigates the turbulent waters of international diplomacy and media coverage? It is this magnificent skill that allows the Jewish state to escape virtually unscathed when its 'righteous indignation' is followed by debacles like that of Monday, when The Associated Press revealed the existence of a secret Israeli detention facility that, by its very nature, violates the Geneva Conventions. It is not magic that shields Israel from the consequences of its behavior. Nor is it solely US influence that keeps it from being the object of scorn for engaging in activities that cause other countries to be isolated by the international community and/or invaded by the United States. Their 'Westernism' is not enough to explain the protection the Israelis enjoy, nor is their faith. What makes their strategy work is that simple fact that they work diligently to implement it. They study their audiences, their allies and their enemies with equal diligence, then craft a flawless message."