The Zionist Conspiracy

A clandestine undertaking on behalf of Israel, the Jets and the Jews.

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Monday, July 21, 2003
Saudi Anti-Semitism

Today's Arab News published an anti-Semitic column by Mark Glenn of the U.S. The column blames Israel for "extorting" $16 billion a year from the U.S., for September 11, 2001, for the anthrax attacks, killing Americans in Egypt, for the Gulf War and the "Gulf War Syndrome," for "blackmailing President Clinton through one of your intelligence agents, Monica Lewinsky, in order to prevent a coherent peace program from being pushed forward between yourself and the Palestinian people that you have brutalized and murdered for the last 50 years," and for "using your influence in our media and academia to flood our minds with pornography and lies, as well as inculcating in us a hatred for our history, religion, and culture, for dividing our nation between races and sexes, and for releasing into our society all of your plagues and filth that have left us a rotted out corpse of a once great nation."

If you would like to respond to Mark Glenn's column, Glenn can be e-mailed at mglenn@mediamonitors.org

In my view, Arab News' publication of this nonsense is much more interesting than what Glenn wrote. Glenn is a paranoid lunatic. Arab News purports to be a legitimate newspaper in Saudi Arabia, but in fact will publish anything that espouses blood libels against Israel and Jews.