The Zionist Conspiracy

A clandestine undertaking on behalf of Israel, the Jets and the Jews.

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Thursday, August 28, 2003
Tehran Times Column

Reading op-eds in the Arab and Muslim media is a good way to gauge the extent of the paranoia and animus of Israel's enemies.

Today's Tehran Times has a column by Kian Mokhtari about the "holocaust" of Indians by the U.S. In the middle of the column, Mokhtari, out of context, expresses a screed against Israel, because, well, that's what paranoid people like Mokhtari do:

"I was listening to the radio the other night and some foreign station was insisting that they were our long distant blood brothers, that they had a heaven called “Zion” and that since we had such fantastic cultural and blood links we should help each other and we should throw open the gates to our rich country to ensure their survival. Their logic seemed to be that they were a race chosen by God to inherit the planet earth. So I take it that their God is a racist. Then I realized it was ‘good old radio Israel’. I was shocked because on my dealings with Jews overseas I had always been treated like the lower order of life on earth, a member of an inferior race. So I thought maybe I had forgotten to tell those Jews that I was an Iranian and according to their own radio channel related to them by blood and culture. Then I remembered that those abroad knew that I was Iranian. Most odd!"