The Zionist Conspiracy

A clandestine undertaking on behalf of Israel, the Jets and the Jews.

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Wednesday, August 13, 2003
Volokh's Blogathon

Eugene Volokh, whose blog gets thousands of unique visitors a day, is asking readers to "please recommend" The Volokh Conspiracy to others: "E-mail them a post that you think they might particularly like. Tell them that we aren't just for conservatives. Remind them that 'I tried reading a blog a while back, and thought it was stupid, so I don't read blogs' makes as much sense as 'I tried reading a book a while back, and thought it was stupid, so I don't read books.'"

I understand that the number of readers to even the major blogs such as 'Volokh' is tiny in comparison with the large media sites, but, from my perspective as an infant blogger, the Professor's request is unnecessary gluttony.