The Zionist Conspiracy |
Tuesday, September 09, 2003
Benny Morris: Kill Arafat Newsweek interviewed Ben Gurion University Benny Morris about Abu Ala and Palestinian terror. Morris, who once was a leading critic of Israel, has radically changed his views in the last three years, as was demonstrated in a lengthy article in The New Republic. In the Newsweek interview, Morris states that "the ends and desires of Hamas are really ends of the entire Palestinian people. Hamas wants Israel eliminated and most Palestinians, in their hearts, do as well. So part of the problem is that Hamas represents the real desires of Palestinians. Some Palestinians believe that they can’t put an end to Israel and thus must accept a Palestinian state alongside Israel. But even then, I believe these people think that over a process of time Israel will cease to exist." Morris also argues that Israel should kill the terrorist Palestinian leadership, including Sheikh Yassin and Yasser Arafat: "I don’t think the attack on Yassin is the last we’ll see. I think Israel will try and get him again. In fact, I think we should have gotten to him and to Arafat a long time ago." While he concedes that new terrorists may replace those who are liquidated, he believes that "nonetheless there is a psychological effect and a public relations effect of killing off the leadership." As for Arafat, Morris says that "there is no solution except killing him. All this talk about exiling him is nonsense. He would be much more trouble wandering the world. I think the choice is between killing him and keeping him in his Ramallah compound." |