The Zionist Conspiracy |
Thursday, September 18, 2003
Dangers of Withdrawal Sam Singer of Protocols (in comments) now argues that Israel should withdraw from most of Judea and Samaria because: "Will the casualty toll drop if we pull out of most of the West Bank and unilaterally separate and build a DEFENSIBLE fence? I can't think of any reason it wouldn't, and I certainly havent heard one from most of the cretins attacking anyone who so much as breathes a word of criticism from the left flank." In response to Sam, here are a few reasons why the casualty toll can easily rise upon IDF withdrawal: 1. If Israel is out of Judea and Samaria, Kassam rockets can be placed in Ramallah and easily reach all of Jerusalem. They can be placed in the Shomron, and easily reach the Tel Aviv area, including Ben Gurion Airport in Lod. If a rocket as much as landed anywhere near the airport or an airplane, no foreign airlines would continue to fly to Israel. 2. Even with a fence or wall, it would be very difficult to bar Palestinians outside of Jerusalem from entering Jerusalem, particularly those from suburbs such as Abu Dis. With the IDF out of most of Judea/Samaria and the checkpoints gone, what would stop Palestinians from loading a van with explosives, and driving it straight into Jerusalem for use in car bombs and/or suicide bombings? 3. If residents of "consensus" settlements such as those in Gush Etzion, Ariel, Maaleh Adumim, Givat Zeev, etc. remained while the IDF withdraws, the Jewish civilians in those areas will be sitting ducks. If the fence/wall keeps those areas and the IDF remains, then Israel will have already kept a significant part of Judea and Samaria. |