The Zionist Conspiracy |
Monday, September 29, 2003
Guardian Mideast Correspondent: Israel's Racist, Colonial In today's Beirut Daily Star, David Hirst writes an anti-Israel screed suggesting that Israel, not Iran, is a "nuclear-crazy" state. The article itself would not be noteworthy if not for the fact that from 1963-2001, Hirst was the Middle East correspondent for the (London) Guardian, and that he still occasionally writes for the Guardian. The Guardian is a leading newspaper in Europe, and, without exaggeration, makes the New York Times and Washington Post appear to be unconditional supporters of Israel. Here is an excerpt from the Guardian's long-time Middle East correspondent's article: "The time may come when the cost to the US of continuing to support its infinitely importunate protege in a never-ending conflict against an ever-widening circle of adversaries is greater than its will and resources can sustain. That would very likely be a time when Israel itself is already in dire peril. And if it were, then America would very likely discover something else: that the friend and ally it has succored all these years is not only a colonial state, not only extremist by temperament, racist in practice and increasingly fundamentalist in the ideology driving it, but also eminently capable of becoming an 'irrational' state at America’s expense as well as its own." |