The Zionist Conspiracy |
Thursday, September 25, 2003
Letters in Arab News Recently, I posted in praise of the publication by Arab News of pro-Israel letters from United States readers. Today's issue of Arab News, however, reverts to publishing typical paranoid anti-Israel screeds that assume that Zionists control America. Here are two examples: 1. "It is clear that America is questioning Iran's nuclear capability because Israel and its lobby ordered it to do so. So long as Sharon, Netanyahu, Wolfowitz, AIPAC and other lobby groups are the ones who determine American foreign policy on the Middle East, all we can expect is terrorism, murder, deception, manipulation and looting." Haibe Dirie, Mogadishu, Somalia 2. "Some of the letters from Americans published on this page are a testimony to the power of the Israeli propaganda machine in America and its ability to distort news and spread misinformation... "Arabs don't hate America. Most Arabs like American freedoms, culture, music and movies. But all of them hate the Zionist-controlled American foreign policy. "It is Sharon who is an obstacle to peace, not Arafat and not Hamas. Hamas was formed in 1988, about 20 years after the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. The media in America does not tell its readers that Sharon is a war criminal judged guilty by an Israeli enquiry commission of killing thousands of Palestinian and Lebanese... "Sharon and Saddam are men of a similar nature. But Sharon is more dangerous. He has nuclear, biological and chemical weapons. His country is in violation of over 60 UN resolutions. It spies on America. But Sharon has an army of propagandists covering for him in Washington and has control of the US Congress. "America did not come to the Middle East to solve our problems but because of the problems it created by supporting Israeli atrocities, and by helping Bin Laden and Saddam to become what they are. "Yes, we know 15 of the hijackers were Saudis. So what? Almost all serial killers in the world are Americans, and America has the largest prison population in the world. What does that mean? You can't judge a whole nation by the acts of the few." Ahmed Issa, Jeddah |