The Zionist Conspiracy |
Monday, September 08, 2003
Pro-Israel Letters in Saudi Paper I have previously criticized Arab News, the Saudi English-language daily, for their anti-Israel and anti-Semitic articles. However, tomorrow's edition deserves praise for publishing four pro-Israel letters, all from United States readers, something that the New York Times and Washington Post rarely, if ever, achieve. First, Jim Ghiringhelli, in response to an Arab News editorial claiming that Yasser Arafat was "democratically elected," writes: "I find that humorous. Who were the other candidates? Who were the international observers who monitored the election and declared it free and fair?" Second, C. LeFevre-Lowry wrote that "You’d think that somewhere in the Palestinian world there would be individuals who can see that things are never going to go their way as long as Arafat and his “intifada” diehards are in control. They have made it their life’s work to not achieve peace... Apparently they would rather bury their young than do the hard work of educating them to live and prosper in cooperation with the rest of the world." Third, George Repper notes that "the Arab countries attacked Israel in 1948, placed an embargo on Israel after they lost the war, perpetuated a boycott of the state, which is a form of warfare, and expelled Jews from all Arab countries. Now you wish to have the right to return, blaming Israel for whatever happened to you instead of looking at yourselves for your misery." Finally, Tony Patterson of Kingwood, Texas states that "it is Arafat and the terrorist organizations he invited in that stand in the way of peace for the Palestinians... For you to claim that Arafat was “democratically” elected is about as much a joke as saying that the people of Iraq freely voted 99.9 percent for Saddam Hussein in the last election he staged. The Palestinian people are more afraid of Arafat and his people than they are of any Israeli tank with barrel pointed directly at their chests. For once, put peace and the interests of the Palestinian people above your hatred for Israel." |