The Zionist Conspiracy

A clandestine undertaking on behalf of Israel, the Jets and the Jews.

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Wednesday, October 01, 2003
Arab News On The Fence

In an editorial in tomorrow's edition, Saudi newspaper Arab News lambasts today's cabinet decision to build the security fence (they call it the "security wall").

The editorial laments that "Palestinians are to be kept out of sight by a wall as though they were animals inhabiting a zoo." The analogy is in a way appropriate, because just as visitors to a zoo must, for their own safety, be kept separate from the violent animals, Israelis must, for their own safety, be kept separate from violent Arabs. According to polls, those violent Arabs are supported by a majority of Palestinians.

Curiously, the editorial also complains that the fence/wall represents a "system of discrimination that amounts to apartheid by having as many Jews as possible inside the fence and as few Arabs as possible." Presumably, supporters of a two state solution - which Arab News claims to be among - would prefer that as few Arabs as possible be included within the fence.

In the past I have had mixed feelings about the fence, but now believe it to be a good idea. Anything that Israel's enemies so strongly oppose can't be too bad.