The Zionist Conspiracy

A clandestine undertaking on behalf of Israel, the Jets and the Jews.

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Thursday, October 30, 2003
Then and Now

The Looking Back feature in this week's Forward notes that 75 years ago the Forward reported on a scuffle "at a Labor Zionist Simchat Torah literary event" between Laborites and supporters of Jabotinsky. While Simchat Torah is a national holiday in Israel, one wonders how many people identify as a Labor Zionist, and whether those who do mark Simchat Torah in any Jewish manner, even in a non-observant way.

The Forward also writes that 50 years ago it reported that Secretary of State Dulles announced an end to aid to Israel because of a project the five-year old state was conducting on its border with Syria, and because "Israel had acted against the wishes of the U.N. when it moved its Foreign Ministry offices from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem" which "only served to worsen the situation."