The Zionist Conspiracy

A clandestine undertaking on behalf of Israel, the Jets and the Jews.

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Tuesday, October 05, 2004

A couple of days ago, Simcha of Hirhurim wrote:

I make sure to only go to the concerts in Flatbush or Boro Park, and not in Crown Heights, after an experience a few years ago in which the whole audience was shouting out "Yehi adoneinu, moreinu ve-rabeinu, melekh ha-moshiah le-olam va-ed."

Flying home from Israel on Sunday, there were several Lubavitch passengers doing kiruv on their fellow passengers. One person went around the plane with a lulav and esrog and asked people to make a bracha.

Nothing wrong with that. However, after giving the words of the bracha to those who agreed to use the lulav and esrog and before telling them to shake the lulav, the Lubavitcher had the passengers say "Yechi adoneinu, moreinu v'rabeinu, melech hamoshiach l'olam vaed." (English translation: May our Master, Teacher and Rebbe, the King Moshiach, live forever.)

It's one thing for Lubavitch chasidim to believe in the rebbe as moshiach and shout out "yechi," but I found telling naive secular Israelis to say it as part of the blessing of the lulav to be quite offensive.