The Zionist Conspiracy

A clandestine undertaking on behalf of Israel, the Jets and the Jews.

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Thursday, December 02, 2004
Pet Projects

Today's New York Times reports on Shinui's voting against Likud's proposed budget because it "offered United Torah Judaism some $67 million in support for its pet projects."

In fact, the $67 million (or more precisely, the 290 million shekels), were to be allocated to charedi yeshivas, which have incurred previous budget cuts in that last two years far in excess of that amount.

I'm pretty cynical about the political machinations of Shas and UTJ, each of which bases its political stances on supreme national issues upon whether the government funds its institutions. UTJ was until a few days ago a staunch opponent of the Sharon plan to withdraw from Gaza and part of Samaria. Now they are ready to join the government. Shas too is figuring out a way to wiggle out of its attacks on Sharon's political shift.

That said, referring to partial restoration of funding for yeshivas as "pet projects" is offensive and inaccurate. While it was in the coalition, Shinui demanded funding for universities and "cultural institutions." It is unlikely that the Times would refer to that funding as being for Shinui "pet projects."