The Zionist Conspiracy

A clandestine undertaking on behalf of Israel, the Jets and the Jews.

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Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Bush On The Siyum Hashas

Apparently, President Bush will televise a message to those attending the Siyum Hashas tonight.

I'm generally not very comfortable with observant Jews mixing too deeply into politics, especially at inherently religious events. It strikes me as reeking of insecurity and a need to be recognized and be made to feel important.

On the other hand, perhaps Bush's participation is a kiddush Hashem, a sanctification of G-d's name. In a country in which most Jews remain staunchly secular and many Americans outside the big cities equate being Jewish with being secular, an event attended by masses of observant Jews might be a strong counter to that perception.

So I'll reserve judgment on Bush's appearance until details emerge after the Siyum Hashas.

UPDATE - 3/2 9:50 A.M.: While I did not attend the Siyum Hashas, our correspondent covering the event at Continental Airlines Arena reports that there in fact was no message from Bush.