The Zionist Conspiracy

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Thursday, March 31, 2005
Modern Orthodoxy On The Upper West Side

Steven I. Weiss links to and quotes a post by Esther Kustanowitz on her site, in which Kustanowitz writes:

As far as I can tell (without having conducted an investigation on the sexual habits of the Orthodox), the major difference between those who call themselves "Orthodox" and those who call themselves "Modern Orthodox" (at least of the Upper West Side in their 30s and 40s) has to do with sex (whether or not they're willing to have it before they're married) and food (whether or not they're willing to eat dairy and fish in non-kosher restaurants). There also may be a slight Shabbat difference, too, especially when it comes to watching Final Fours, NFL playoffs, Olympics opening ceremonies and/or World Series games.

If her parenthetical caveat limits her statement to older singles in the Upper West Side (I lived there for five years but moved to Queens at 29, so missed the 30 year old minimum qualification), there's some truth in what Kustanowitz wrote, but only some.

Imagine if one of the Cross-Currents bloggers tried to say something like Kustanowitz did.