The Zionist Conspiracy

A clandestine undertaking on behalf of Israel, the Jets and the Jews.

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Friday, April 01, 2005
Why A Jets Fan

I guess if anyone ever finds this blog their first question will be "why in the world are you (still) a Jets fan?" So I'll start with that. But first you have to understand why I became a Jets fan in the first place.

I did not grow up in an environment where being a Jets fan was expected of anyone. When I was young not everyone was actually a Jets fan. Some were, and some thought it was silly, and became Giants fans, or, chas v'shalom, a Cowboys fan. There is even a frum person who became a Kansas City Chiefs fan even though he has never been to Kansas City. It's not for me to judge everyone's alternative lifestyle. Most who were Jets fans were Jets fans by default, because they didn't know enough other teams who they could root for.

Growing up sheltered in Boro Park, the Jets were all I knew. Every Sunday the Jets would play, and my father would have an argument with them. Especially this guy Ward. Every time the Jets got get a first down, it seemed like Ward was holding someone and the play was called back. I didn't know then that the Jets were so abusive and self-centered, and, frankly, so stupid. I was young and naive, and they were always making all kinds of promises, only to betray me in the end.