The Zionist Conspiracy

A clandestine undertaking on behalf of Israel, the Jets and the Jews.

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Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Pink Floyd Hates Israel

Haaretz reports that Pink Floyd frontman Roger Waters scrawled "tear down the wall" on a portion of Israel's security barrier. Waters attacked Israel, calling the security barrier "extraordinarily oppressive" and "a horrific edifice."

Pathetically, an Israeli producer has brought Waters to Israel for a performance this week. Waters refused to play in Tel Aviv, which is presumably too militant for his taste. A nation with a modicum of pride would instead boycott Waters and dispose of Pink Floyd tapes and CDs.

Presumably, Waters won't find the time to visit Israeli hospitals or cemeteries. There, he would fine plenty of Jews who have been murdered and maimed by the violent and evil people living on the other side of Israel's security barrier who are known as Palestinians.

Admittedly, having murdered six million of us, dead and wounded Jews might be a less "horrific edifice" to Europeans like Waters than a wall that prevents a few more Jews from taking what is seen as our natural place six feet below ground.