The Zionist Conspiracy

A clandestine undertaking on behalf of Israel, the Jets and the Jews.

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Friday, September 22, 2006
Shana Tova

5766 was not a very good year for Israel. During the past year, Prime Minister Sharon suffered two strokes, the second of which left him in a vegetative state. Hamas was elected to lead the Palestinians. Sharon was replaced by Ehud Olmert, whose performance has been unimpressive. Israel mismanaged the war in Lebanon, and while some accomplishments were made, Israel incurred far too high a human toll for those relatively limited achievements. Israel's political system has been riddled with scandal.

As 5766 comes to a conclusion, it appears unlikely that the Bush Administration, let alone the international community generally, can or will do anything to stop Iran's acquisition of nuclear weapons. At the same time, Bush appears poised to pressure Israel to negotiate with a Palestinian Authority "unity" government comprised of Hamas and Fatah.

So much for the war on terror, which has become more of an absurd war on hapless airline passengers.

A few weeks after 9/11, when Bush tried to placate "moderate" Arab states by calling for a Palestinian state with its capital in Jerusalem, Sharon responded strongly, telling Bush:
Don't repeat the terrible mistake of 1938 when the enlightened democracies of Europe decided to sacrifice Czechoslovakia for a temporary solution. Do not try to placate the Arabs at our expense. Israel will not be Czechoslovakia.

Bush reacted very angrily, but Sharon's warning - actually his plea - proved effective.

Today, Israel's leadership is far less capable than Sharon was, and the world has quickly gotten used to the idea of an Islamic terror group leading the Palestinians.

We can only hope and pray that with G-d's help, in spite of what appears to be a bleak situation, 5767 will be a year in which Israel will be blessed with real peace and security.