Netanyahu's Response Rahm Emanuel is well known to have said that "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste."
For nearly 11 years, Israel's position vis a vis the Palestinians had continually eroded.
Until 2000, it was well known that Israel would not divide Jerusalem, would not return to the 1949-1967 armistice lines, and would need to maintain a security line in the Jordan Valley.
Ehud Barak's egregious concessions at Camp David, and his even more egregious concessions at Taba, put an end to the Israeli consensus on its red lines.
Despite the fact that just weeks after Taba, Israeli voters deposed Barak in a landslide in favor of Ariel Sharon, the world deemed Barak's offer to be the starting point for any future negotiations.
Last Thursday, President Obama pushed too far, trying to surprise and box in Prime Minister Netanyahu by declaring the '49 armistice lines the basis for negotiations - thereby expressly adopting the Palestinian position.
In successfully pushing back at the Oval Office, before AIPAC, and today in Congress, Netanyahu has finally put a stop - at least for now - to the never-ending increasing demands placed upon Israel - and only Israel.
The extraordinarily warm reception given to Netanyahu in Congress, and the supportive speech by Harry Reid at the AIPAC conference, demonstrate that while Obama may not be understanding of Israeli concerns, the American people and their congressional representatives are.
The erstwhile principle of secure borders for Israel and united Jerusalem have again been stated by Israel's leader. The last four days have been very good ones for those of us who support territorial compromise for real peace, but not endless appeasement.
posted on 5/24/2011